Realtor's guide to buying a home

Navigating the home-buying journey can be as confusing as trying to assemble Ikea furniture – that's where I come in. With well over a decade of experience, and a former construction background, I can be your Real Estate Guru. I'll make house hunting feel less like a finding a needle in a haystack, and more like an epic adventure. Of course the key to every great adventure is a well thought out plan. This step by step guide will turn the process into a memorable and enjoyable experience. LET’S TALK MONEY First things first, get your money in order. Look at what you want in a home, and how much you’d like to spend. Now get pre-approved! Go to a mortgage professional and have them cross your t’s, dot your i’s, and tell you what you can afford. WHO-WHAT-WHEN-WHERE-WHY Time to ask yourself the BIG questions - # of bedrooms, square footage, location, nearby amenities, specific features. Break this down to NEEDS (hello school c...