
Showing posts from March, 2024

Realtor's guide to buying a home

 Navigating the home-buying journey can be as confusing as trying to assemble Ikea furniture – that's  where I come in. With well over a decade of experience, and a former construction background, I can  be your Real Estate Guru. I'll make house hunting feel less like a finding a needle in a haystack, and  more like an epic adventure. Of course the key to every great adventure is a well thought out plan.  This step by step guide will turn the process into a memorable and enjoyable experience. LET’S TALK MONEY First things first, get your money in order. Look at what you want  in a home, and how much you’d like to spend.  Now get pre-approved! Go to a mortgage professional and have  them cross your t’s, dot your i’s, and tell you what you can  afford. WHO-WHAT-WHEN-WHERE-WHY Time to ask yourself the BIG questions - # of bedrooms, square  footage, location, nearby amenities, specific features.  Break this down to NEEDS (hello school c...


The age old question, is it better to buy or to rent? Well we can argue this till the end of time, however we will not arrive at any conclusion. What you should be asking yourself is. Is it better for you! To rent or buy, because only you can decide what would be best for you and your people, all I can do is give you another pro and con list. As you know most of those out there have dreams of owning their own home! Feels like a sort of right of passage type thing. Well it might not be all that it is cracked up to be and depending on where you are in life you need to make a decision that is right for you. Let's get something clear, there is no problem with renting! I guess I should say that there is no problem with not owning. Heck! If I was a single man with no children or pets, I would most likely be traipsing along the countryside in a van! But, living in a van is a story for another day.  Owning is awesome!  Owning a home can be great! Like for instance you get to build thi...

Ready to buy a house? Find out here!

Ah, the epic journey of preparing to buy a house! Here comes a rollercoaster ride filled with paperwork, financial acrobatics, and the occasional existential crisis. But fear not, dear reader, for I am here to guide you through this adventure  Step 1: "Ditch the Piggy Bank" Say goodbye to your trusty piggy bank and start squirreling away those hard-earned pennies. It's time to channel your inner Scrooge McDuck and start saving for that down payment. Remember, every dollar counts—even the ones you find hiding in the couch cushions! Step 2: "Dive Into the Credit Score Maze" Ah, the mystical realm of credit scores—a place where numbers hold more power than Gandalf's staff. It's like navigating a labyrinth filled with hidden traps and elusive secrets. But fear not, brave adventurer, for with a little patience and a lot of humor, you'll emerge victorious with a credit score worthy of a homeowner! Step 3: "Survive the Mortgage Application Madness...

To Buy or Not to Buy: Deciding Whether to Buy a Home Right Now

Ah, the age-old question: to buy a home or not to buy a home? It's a decision that can feel as daunting as choosing between a lifetime supply of pizza or a lifetime supply of tacos (a tough call, indeed). But fear not, dear reader, for I am here to guide you through this hilarious journey of homeownership contemplation. So grab your favorite snack and let's dive in! First things first, let's address the pressing matter at hand: is now the right time to buy a home? Well, that depends. Are you ready to become intimately acquainted with your local hardware store? Have you sold your soul to the mortgage company? If so, then congratulations, you might just be ready to take the plunge into homeownership! Let's talk about financial readiness. Are you ready to give up your daily  Iced Caramel Cloud Macchiato  habit in exchange for a down payment? Can you survive the emotional rollercoaster of bidding wars without breaking into a cold sweat? If you answered yes (or at least chuc...