
Showing posts from April, 2024

The hard truth - selling your home costs money

Look at all that equity... I bet you want to take advantage of it... But how much will you actually get?  Selling a home doesn't come without it's share of expenses. Let's take a look at some of the common costs associated with selling a home in Ontario. 1.  Home Repairs  and Improvements Sellers may need to make repairs  or improvements to their homes to make them more marketable. The cost of these can vary significantly depending on the condition of the property. 2. Commission In many cases, sellers work  with realtors to list and sell their homes. Standard commission in Ontario is around 5% of the sale price, and is shared between the buyer’s agent and the seller’s agent. 3. Legal Fees Sellers typically hire a real estate  lawyer to handle the legal aspects of the sale. Legal fees very, but generally range between $800 - $1000 depending on the complexity of the sale. 4. Pre-Sale Home Inspection Some sellers opt to have a  pre-sale inspection to iden...

Selling Your Home - A Guide

Selling your home with me can be as easy as ordering poutine! (Classic poutine - none of this pickle, butter chicken stuff). I’ve mastered the art of turning real estate transactions into a seamless journey. I’m your go-to guide for a drama free selling experience. Here are the general steps to help you through the process and get a SOLD sign in your front yard. Let's Talk Money The first step is to determine the market value of your home by researching recent sales and current listings in your area. We then take this data, perform some fun calculations, and arrive at a magical price that attracts the most amount of buyers and gets you the highest amount. Look Your Best Homes that show well sell quicker. I’m not saying do major renovations, but tending to any minor repairs and maintenance can make a world of difference. Declutter and depersonalize. Buyers want to envision themselves in “their new home”. This is hard to do when your dirty laundry is piled in a corner, or you have a...

Common questions when buying a home

Purchasing a property is pretty complex, and almost every scenario is different. There are a lot of key components occurring at once, which can make anyone confused. Here to help ease some of those pre-buying jitters, I have compiled a list of common questions that you may be pondering: What are the current mortgage rates in Canada? Rates are changing daily and I would recommend that you speak to several professionals regarding a mortgage. However, you are looking on average between 5% to 6% currently   How much can I afford to borrow for a mortgage? This is dependent on a few key factors like credit score and your total debt ratio. For a rough idea, take a total of your family income and multiply by 40%, then with that number subtract all your current loan payments like car and credit card.  What is the minimum down payment required for buying a home in Canada? The minimum down payment is about 5% although some lenders may require 10%. You should speak to a mortgage prof...
Time to get serious. We've made it to the not-so-fun part - the actual cost of buying.  Sadly, there are several costs in addition to the purchase price. Below are some of the most common expenses associated with buying a home in Ontario. DOWN PAYMENT Typically, buyers need to make a down payment on a home. In Canada, a minimum of 5% is required. MORTGAGE LOAN INSURANCE If your down payment is less than 20% of the purchase price, you may be required to obtain mortgage insurance. This cost is usually rolled into your mortgage payment. APPRAISAL FEE Your lender may require an appraisal of the property to determine its market value. In most cases this is paid by the borrower (you). LAND TRANSFER TAX This tax is payable by the buyer, and is based on the purchase price of the property. First time home buyers may be eligible for a rebate. HOME INSPECTION While not mandatory, many buyers choose to have a home inspection performed to identify any issues with the property. This is generall...