Holiday Movie Homes: What Would They Be Worth Today?

As the holiday season approaches, many of us cozy up on the couch to watch classic Christmas movies that bring warmth, nostalgia, and a touch of magic to our lives. From lavish estates to humble homes brimming with charm, these iconic movie houses are often as memorable as the characters themselves. Ever wonder what these famous homes would be worth today? Let’s take a look at some beloved Christmas movie houses and explore their real estate value in today’s market! 1. The McCallister House – Home Alone Location: Winnetka, Illinois The McCallister house, with its red brick façade, spacious interior, and festive charm, is the epitome of suburban luxury. This 4,243-square-foot Georgian-style home was famously featured in Home Alone as the setting for Kevin’s hilarious escapades. In 2012, the home sold for $1.585 million. Adjusting for market trends, its current value could range between $2.5–$3 million . With its cinematic fame and prime location, this home would be a dream for familie...